Tuesday 19 March 2013

Care of The Mother and Baby Becomes More Critical Near The Delivery Time.

With delivery time reaching nearby, there’s a lot of excitement when you are 32 weeks pregnant. The baby has grown up to a considerable size and weighs about 1.8 kg. by now. It is big enough and has also started moving inside to turn upside down and be ready for the delivery. Hence, it’s very important that the mother is cared very much from physical exhaustion and mechanical strain to avoid any damage to the baby and make it move comfortably.

In 32 weeks pregnant condition, the mother can suffer from breathlessness as the pressure of the growing womb on the stomach and the diaphragm increases. During this time, the blood volume in the mother’s body increases 40-50% of normal volume so as to supply the baby. As a result, nutrient requirement of the mother is also vastly increased.
In the 33 weeks pregnant condition, the baby’s skin growth is almost complete with a pink skin. The bone development nears the final stage but is still soft at certain points. The organ developments also near fulfillment. That’s why nutrition becomes important for the mother. The micronutrients are definitely important, but the mother should also increase protein intake as chicken and milk, that are easily digestible. However, having meals in small quantities in needed as during the 33 weeks pregnant condition, a huge meal at one go may cause breathlessness and vomiting tendency, owing to the increased pressure on the stomach. The water intake daily also should be sufficient to help baby’s movement.

Monday 11 March 2013

Enjoy Your Blissful 9 Months Through Monitoring Pregnancy Week by Week!

Before moving ahead, you must know that initial progression of pregnancy is full of trepidation and apprehension. Becoming aware about the basics will help you settle down and monitor your pregnancy as it evolves weekly. It proves to be helpful in preparing yourself about the mental and physical changes that undertake during this period. You must know that pregnancy period starts even before you conceive. As far as biological developments are concerned, the nine long months of pregnancy can be broken down into phases of three months.

Body of an expectant mother remains ignorant of the change for the first three weeks. It is usually the fourth week that signifies the prelude of the elaborate symphony unfolding inside you. The preliminary sign of pregnancy is when you start feeling the morning sickness. It is noteworthy that the first trimester of pregnancy is the trickiest to get by with the most sensitive changes occur in pregnancy week by week. Pregnant woman undergo crucial events like formation of the embryo’s head and commencement of its heartbeats etc during fifth and sixth week.

The embryo easily qualifies for being called a baby by the tenth week. At that time, baby’s cerebellum is in place and the sexual organs are present too. When the first trimester comes to an end, baby has its own unique muscular structure and it is only after the first two months of pregnancy that your morning sickness starts declining and appetite may increase as required. So, gather details about the mental and physical changes that occur during pregnancy week by week!

Monday 4 March 2013

Know Your Baby's Growth at 17 and 18 Weeks of Pregnancy

Every mother is anxious to know what is going inside her tummy when she is undergoing hectic weeks of pregnancy. The fetus grows in different aspects at different advancements of pregnancy. Here is a guide to know developments of the baby at 17 and 18 weeks.

17 weeks pregnant

When you are pregnant with a 17 weeks old baby his/her size will be about a small melon. The height would measure up to 5 inches and the growth is occurring quite rapidly. The skeleton which once was a mass of cartilage is gaining strength and converting into bone. The crucial joints of the baby are flexible and are also getting moved regularly. The skin of baby is still very delicate and transparent whereas the sweat glands have started forming. In few weeks the eyes will start moving in the sockets to the sides inside closed eyelids. 

 18 weeks pregnant

At this stage the baby has grown 1 inch taller than previous week measuring up to 6 inches. The weight will reach up to 200 grams and the uterus will be full of amniotic fluid. The baby will make some movements such as twisting, kicking, and rolling that you can feel inside the womb. In this week the ears are placed at right position along with the genitals that are formed and well placed. As the ears are placed the brain processes different sounds and signals sent towards it.

These weeks also witness great changes in the body functioning of mother and require proper care from relatives.