Monday, 25 February 2013

The woman body goes through many a change during pregnancy. All these changes are for ensuring a healthy baby and for making the mother prepared for delivery. Contrary to what many thinks, delivery of a baby is not a big task. Yes, it may definitely go into complications sometimes, but all of these have established medical cure. Pregnancy period is of 40 weeks but sometimes it can be two weeks ahead or after. If it is happening on the D-day, the mother is aware of it. However, premature babies are born when the mother has extreme and unbearable labor pain. That is an indication of the delivery time.

In case of some, the labor does not develop even at the time of giving birth. But it is necessary for normal deliveries where you need the mother to push the baby out. In such situations, the labor is artificially induced by the doctors. After delivery, it is important to relieve the mother of the pain. While sedatives are of great help, having the father by the side also matters a lot. The emotional support of the father and the joy of the newborn helps in soothing the labor pain to a large extent.

After giving birth, every parent is worried about the baby. While timely deliveries have babies with great skin, late deliveries may give the baby a drier skin with less amount of vernix or the white greasy protective substance. However, that is not a major problem as baby two weeks’ time; the baby develops a wrinkle free fresh skin.

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