Tuesday 13 August 2013

Week by Week Pregnancy- a Complete Pregnancy Guide!

Pregnancy- an extremely significant phase in women’s life, which changes her whole life!

In this period you can experience different feelings in a jiffy, and may also go through some signs and symptoms of pregnancy. There are different pregnancy symptoms week by week which you should take care of, in order to take care of yourself and your baby for better.

For all the mothers-to-be, having a weekly guide could be an extremely nice tool so as to keep a track of the baby’s growth. This is generally helpful in defining the numerous signs and symptoms that may take place at stages of positive pregnancy.

Since the growth of the baby progresses from week to week, it might be a practical guide for each expecting mother. The entire pregnancy period is divided into three trimesters having forty weeks.

 The first trimester:

Initially, the first trimester consists of the early stages of pregnancy; generally 1-14 weeks are counted in this trimester.  In this trimester you experience several signs, like missed periods, vomiting, morning sickness, nausea, fatigue etc. By the end of the 6th week your baby’s heart starts beating. By end of week 9, you can know about the sex of the baby and by 10th week, your embryo becomes a small baby.

The second trimester:
The second trimester comprises of 15-26 weeks. During this phase of pregnancy, in the early 15th week, baby begins movements of head, lips and feet. Baby starts swallowing and blinking in the 17th week. During 20th week, baby starts sleeping and getting awake on the regular basis. By 24th week, heartbeat of the baby becomes so distinct that it can be heard by placing ears on the stomach.

The third trimester:

As per pregnancy week, third trimester commences with the starting of 27th week and ends with the birth of baby, approximately 40th week. Sense for smell, sound etc. develops by 29th week. During 34th week, immune system of the baby develops. Look out for labor pain for this week.

By staying updated with the help of pregnancy week by week information, you can keep a watch over several indicators of pregnancy and the growth of your baby.

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